This unit covers the performance of rescue procedures from an Electricity Supply Industry tower in the work place. It specifies the mandatory requirements of rescue from an ESI tower and how they apply in the context of transmission, distribution or rail work functions. It encompasses responsibilities for, health, safety and risk management processes at all operative levels and adherence to safety practices as part of the normal way of doing work.
What you will learn includes:
- Inspection of rescue equipment
- Assessing hazards to rescuer, victim and others
- Isolation procedures where appropriate
- Knowledge of Safe Approach Distances (SAD’s) appropriate to Tower Rescue
- Involvement of external emergency services
- Placement of rescue equipment
- Controlling hazards to rescuer, victim and others
- Maintaining Safe Approach Distances (SAD’s) appropriate to Tower Rescue
- Practical demonstration of rescuing a person
- Removing victim to safe location / place of safety